Saturday, October 31, 2009

Paranoid Photograms

Here are some photograms I came across recently whilst I was sorting through some old stuff. I did these when I first set up Blueskin around 1996 or even before, I can't rightly remember. I was just messing around with some photo developing techniques down at a colour darkroom called Photofusion in Brixton, these are some of the results, which now I kind of like...

Monday, March 02, 2009

New Blueskin Stickers that Travel Competition

Well you globe trotters have been doing your creative thing and sending in some fab pics, here is the produce of your creations:

Abbey Durrans from Devon went for the laptop pic and says 'Another one for the photo album'
Do you think this photo should win?

Mike Fowkes form Daventry, Northamptonshire
'Now this is a bike that's been everywhere!!'
Do you think this photo should win?

Shaun Jackson form Dereham, Norfolk
'Here is my picture of my moped with a Blueskin sticker on the front... now here is a sticker that real does travel.'
Do you think this photo should win?

Bob Bohme, from Tring Herts
'Picture taken crossing the Bay of Biscay (last summer)'
Do you think this photo should win?

You know the score leave a comment telling us your favourite picture, and the winner wins a Blueskin T-shirt of their choice, good luck everyone!

Winner of the last Blueskin sticker comp!

Hey girls and guys,
Blueskin would like to proudly announce that Rich who traveled to Japan no less is this competition's well deserved winner!! Well done mate pick out a nice Blueskin T-shirt and we will post it out to you ASAP. A big thanks to TV Steve for climbing houses and stickering aerials and Adrienne, your car had a good life by the looks of it and to David for his photoshop skills, some Blueskin stickers on there way to you - Happy stickering!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blue Skin lyrics by Hawkwind

Looking for random Blue Skin's on the interweb I came across this album called Alien4 by Hawkwind, which has a song on it called "Blue Skin". Wow this is fab I think as Hawkwind were one of the bands I used to listen to on tape recorder when I was a budding, pink crimped haired, doctor martin wearing, flower child back in the day.

Here's the lowdown on them via good old Wiki - Hawkwind are a British rock band, one of the earliest space rock groups. Their lyrics favour urban and science fiction themes. Also Lemmy from Motorhead used to be the bass guitarist in Hawkwind in 1971. He also provided lead vocals on a number of songs, including the band's biggest UK chart single, "Silver Machine", which reached No.3 in 1972.

I went to see Hawkwind on a number of occasions once in an old pub in Rochdale, Lancashire when I was doing my Art Foundation coarse and the other time was in some random field at a hippie, crusty 'dog on a string' festival called The Treeworgy Festival in deepest Cornwall back in 1989. Me and my mates had all piled in a crusty hippie bus from Accrington, Lancs and drove down. When they played in some make shift stage/tent I ended up falling asleep in front of a speaker after they had blasted out my favorite track Orgone Accumultor not because their songs are 15 minutes long but due to my overload of various beverage consumptions, I think.

Anyway, I bring you the lyrics of the song "Blue Skin" by "Hawkwind"

No ball point pen
No type set in
The ultra-sonic tapping machine
Takes control, takes control
Issues its command
Clicking and clattering into the black
Indian ink or night, ahh ahh !!!
Hyrogliphic ancient scrawl, ahh ahh
Dot to dot I'm bleeding for you
Bleeding for you my blood is blue
Penetration stainless steel
Surgically screened the needle machine
Sliced the flesh like the Teko-Teko's stare
Cut statistics on my face on my face
Name, age, place of birth, race,
Village and tribe, carve deeply
Erase doubt, as to who I am
Who I am who I am
Prick, prick ow, transfea inscribed
Images of sweet roses red
Blood drips blood drips
The emporium
The tatoo hole in my skin
Drains the blood
Pain Ahh Ahh

I tried to get the song mp3 but the album was £60 quid on amazon! However, I believe you can download the ring tone urrmm....

Monday, January 05, 2009

A New Year...

A new year...
A new year and new start and new country!

Fuck yeh America!
So here I am in Breckenridge Colorado, sure makes a change to Morzine, not only does it not rain here, it's bloody freezing!
The snow is amazing and the parks are insane, parks, there are 3 right next to each other, and loads dotted all over the place.

I sure miss Morzine and the French, ok so I was lying about the French, they are mean, at least Americans pretend they like you, but most of them are actually just nice and easy going.

They sure are a lot of cool kids out here, feeling a bit out of it, I'll be coming back all trendy and Europe won't know whats hit them!

Riding is going good, I was a little worried when I got here when everyone was good, by everyone I do mean the chicks too, and and true American style everything is SUPER size!
But actually its big and friendly, so getting on some bigger kickers and getting my spin on, wahoo.

Comp wise, not too sure whats coming up and what I can do, the Aspen open is coming up in Feb, so considering that.

I'll keep you updated whether I take on the Yanks!

Happy New Year!